What is a Hackathon?

A hackathon is a competition in which students who are interested in exploring computer science or engineering team up and build projects based around whatever they're excitd about (apps, games, robots, 3D print models). Hack Mann is a hackathon available to students with a variety of skill levels, which also means no prior knowledge or experience is needed. All participants will have access to mentors and materials, and will get to pitch to the judges towards the end of the event to potentially win prizes.

About Hack Mann

Greenville has several young aspiring technologists and entrepreneurs.

We aim to give these stand-out individuals an opportunity to explore the world of the modern entrepreneur through hardcore development and real world application.

Join us at J.L.Mann High School on December, 2017 with a team of up to 4 people to develop a product that could potentially be the start of a new business.

Also, prizes for the best projects will be awarded.


This events will span a continuous 7 hours. Be ready to go from the time you arrive, you won't have a moment to waste.

  • 12:00 PM


  • 12:30 PM


    by Charles Mayfied, Bob Nemecek, and Bekk Blando
  • event speaker

    1:00 PM

    Hacking begins!

    Work fast!
  • 5:00 PM

    Presentation Prep

  • 6:00 PM

    Hacking ends

  • 6:10 PM


  • 7:00 PM

    Awards and Dinner

Our Sponsor Speakers, Mentors, and Judges

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Charles Mayfield

Principal of J.L.Mann High School

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Bob Nemecek

VP at Baldor Electric

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Bekk Blando

Founder of iT2Pi



J.L.Mann High School

160 Fairforest Way, Greenville, SC 29607

Greenville county's magnet school for Math, Science, and Technology. The event will take place in the newly established "Building B" with access to 3D Printers, Think Tanks, Makerspaces, and labs.

The Team

Created and run by students in the J.L.Mann Circuit Club

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Vignesh Rajmohan

Founder and Director

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Tom Goodall

Assistant Director

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Benson Zheng

Assistant Director

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Erik Blom

Resource Manager


Sign up for free by clicking the button below.


Bring your computer if you want to, but if you don't a computer will be provided. Also if you have an electronic compenent or a microcontroller that you feel would add to your project, you are allowed to bring it.
Prizes will be given to the projects that the judges decide are the best. This all boils down to how impactful or how creative the project is, and also how well the project is presented.
Teams will have access to 3D printers, arduino microcontrollers, some electronic components, laptops, and an exclusive classroom for the development of your project.
Anyone who is in 8th grade all the way to 12th graders can compete in this hackathon.
No! This is event is free.
Rather than meaning illegally hacking into a system or something, in this context, hacking means to create a piece of hardware or write software from scratch

Our Sponsors

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